Thursday, March 12, 2009

Found :

tucked in a notebook for the last 7 or so years- a love letter to my boyfriend, before he became my boyfriend, which in fact proves the existence of love at first sight. In your face pessimists. Here's to all the unsent love letters and the hope folded inside- I am inspired by my own wild teenage heart. I guess I did know everything then...

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Here's a tip for you. . .

Waiting on your last table is a high that can not be replaced. As I looked into the face of my final customer I had an overwhelming sense of fuck you I'm out!! Tossing my crusty unraveling apron into the Montrose Brown Line garbage, I felt myself grow an inch or two. It's not that waitressing is the worst job, because I assure you - you don't want me to do your taxes or pave your driveway, but it serves no real purpose. Not for me anyway. So, in light of my new change in careers I offer you mere non-serving mortals a few tips from behind the apron. . .

1.) Unless you are old enough to be my grandmother/father I am, in no situation, your "sweetie", "hun", "honey", or most importantly, I am not your wife so don't treat me like the dog who fetches for you. This bitch bites.
2.) When you or someone in your party is rude to the serving staff we don't spit on or "taint" your food- we ignore you and make everything painfully slower for you.
3.) If you do want to be messed with snap your fingers.
4.) It's not my job to fill your water glass- if you look around you might notice young men carrying pitchers full of water... they are called bus boys and they will get to you and give you more water because that is their job. That's why a portion of your tip to me goes to the bus boy.
5.) Don't request things from people who don't speak English and then get mad at me cause you didn't get more butter.
6.) show your appreciation with your money- I am not here because I like it, you are...
7.) It really isn't hard to be a waitress it's all about timing really.
8.) Get off your cell phone. It is SO RUDE to give the hold-on-a-second finger to the waitress
9.) Stop asking for separate checks. YOU do the math or put down your form of payment and I will split between them - If you can't afford to split evenly or you don't want to pay a little extra for a friend these are not really my problems are they then?
10.) I don't come into your office at ten till five and ask you to stay for an extra hour or two so don't go into a restaurant just before closing and expect good/complete service. You are an inconvenience to everyone and everyone hates you for being so inconsiderate.

There are so many many more but I guess those were a few I thought some of you out there might need to know. Jerks.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Im ready

It is awkward to admit to someone you are not as smart as you thought. To sit in front of them and hear yourself selling a bit piece of your truth: I am terrible at grammar and perhaps will never be a good writer due to this. How long can I blame past teachers and schooling? The truth is that I never cared, that is until recently and I fear perhaps it too late to change. But alas this is the old dog new trick debacle and I am not one to count anyone out. With that said, I commit to writing more, and writing things that are decidedly more interesting. Cause no one cares about my grammar. Apparently not even me. Well I'm 27 now, so it should be a whole new game. I am almost thirty and I must admit this stirs no fear, only the sound of my own thoughts growing louder in their search for sense. At least so far this year I have made headway... graduating, quitting smoking, and of course a real 9-5 job. So I got that going for me, which is nice. Whatever's next... I dare you